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Kamis, 24 Januari 2013

J-MIN - Stand Up Translation

Ini nih, lagu fave ku kedua setelah "dream high". Lagu yang bikin semangat!!

Even if life is hard, don’t quit until the end
The sky will protect your side
Your footsteps are heavy, make some noise
You sink down and let out a sigh
But one more time, one more try

Look to the sky confidently
Now is just the beginning
Open your shoulders
Inside of you is someone like you
Don’t give up on your future even if it’s hard
Stand up, hold my hand, take the world

Like how petals fall when time passes
Clouds promise rain
Even if you’re struggling
It can change by whatever the sky wants
Don’t worry, never mind
Wait for that day

Look to the sky confidently
Now is just the beginning
Open your shoulders
Inside of you is someone like you
Don’t give up even if it’s hard, one more time
Stand up, hold my hand, stand up again (Stand up)

Stand up (Stand up)
Raise your head

Please don’t waver
Now is just the beginning
Open your shoulders
Don’t give up even if it’s hard, one more time
Stand up, hold my hand, stand up again

Observe and feel
Even if we’re different, my friend
You’re not alone, stand up again

J-MIN - Stand Up Lyric

Salmi himdeu-reodo kkeut-kkaji po-gi mara haneu-ri ne kyeo-seul jikyeojul keoya
Neoye bal-keo-reumi himkyeowo sori naeyeo jujeo-wanja hansum jiyeo bojiman
Hanbeon deo! One more try

Dangdang-ha-ge haneu-reul bwah ije shijagil ppuniya eokkae-l pyeo
Ne ane gateun ni-ga isseo himdeu-reodo po-gi mara neoye mirae
I-reona soneul jaba sesangeul kajyeo

Shi-gani heureumyeon -ggotipi tteo-reoji-deushi kureumeun bireul yakso-khae
Momburim chyeobwahdo haneulye ma-eumdaero tallajil su isseo donrsquo;t worry never mind
Keuna-reul gidaryeo

Dangdang-ha-ge haneu-reul bwah ije shijagil ppuniya eokkae-l pyeo
Ne ane gateun ni-ga isseo himdeu-reodo po-gi mara tashi hanbeon
I-reona soneul jaba tashi i-reona

I-reona ko-gael deu-reo oh oh wo-o
Jebal heunteu-lli-ji mara ije shijagil ppuniya eokkae-l pyeo
Ne ane gateun ni-ga isseo himdeu-reodo po-gi mara tashi hanbeon
I-reona soneul jaba tashi i-reona yeh yeh

Jikyeobwah neukkyeobwah seoro dareuda haedo my friend
Honja-ga aniya tashi i-reona

School XXX File : The Adventure of UAN Fighter and PTN Seeker part 3

Kamis hari ini sebenarnya adalah hari libur, tai aku harus tetap bawa tas ke sekolah. Bukan buat pelajaran sih, tepatnya buat tes masuk UMS. Jadi Aulia ikut tes UMS gitu?? Jawabnya, ya. Aku ikut UMS, karena satu.. UMS nggak jelek-jelek amat kan? Dua, swasta terdekat yang kata bapak cukup bagus. Tiga, tesnya kolektif bareng-bareng temen bisa di sekolahan. Empat, jika diterima trus nggak jadi aku ambil uang registrasi bisa dikembalikan 90%. Jadi UMS aku jadiin pilihan terakhir tempat kuliahku.
Akhir-akhir ini, aku udah mantap pilihannya, FKH UGM! Kalau nggak diterima, ke Poltekkes. Yang terakhir ya swasta itu, UMS. Aduuuuhhh.. Aulia Nisa'ul Khoir.. FIGHTING!!! Fokus ujian dulu deeehhh!!
Minggu depan juga udah try out pertama, jangan dianggap main-main!! HOSSHHH!!

Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

School XXX File : The Adventure of UAN Fighter and PTN Seeker part 2

Sekarang masih pertengahan bulan Januari. Tapi, aku lihat beberapa perguruan tinggi swasta mulai menjajahkan napaknya di sekolahku. Yah, memang gitu harusnya. Aku berharapnya perguruan tinggi negeri juga udah mulai membuka pendaftaran. Semakin cepat dibuka pendaftaran, semakin cepat aku ikut, semakin cepat aku tidur nyenyak tanpa deg-dig-dug senut-senut. Sumpah di bagian rongga dada kerasa gimanaaa gitu akhir-akhir ini.  
Penampakan di BK hari-hari ini, keluar masuk anak-anak kelas 3. Aku salah satunya. Tapi aku nggak sering-sering banget. Setidaknya ada yang lebih sering dari aku. Lihat banyak yang pada ke BK gitu, aku jadi terpancing ikutan masuk-masuk BK. Sebenarnya sih emang perlu lho.. dapat info-info gitu lah, secara BK nggak setiap minggu bisa masuk kelas. Ya walaupun infonya tentang perguruan tinggi yang nggak aku minati, tapi ya yang penting aku tahu lah... hehe. 
Sampai sekarang, PTS yang udah di depan mata adalah UII dan UMS. UII sendiri aku nggak minat. Untuk UMS, sebenernya sih nggak pernah kepikiran ke sana. Tapi setelah aku cerita ke ortu kalau UMS ngebuka pendaftaran, mereka nyaranin aku buat ikutan. Ya, ngapain nggak. Jadi rencananya besok aku mau daftar UMS lewat yang jalur tes di sekolah, sama yang jalur tanpa tes, cuma pake rapor.
Tapi bencana kecil pertamanya, ternyata raporku belum lengkaaaapp.. gaahhh!! Sekian lama, udah susah-susah minta ijin dibawa pulang, udah semingguan nginep di rumah, sampai udah difotokopi berangkap-rangkap... akunya baru ngeh tadi kalau semester pertama di rapor belum ditanda tangani kepsek.  
Yah, harus nunggu sehari buat dapet tanda tangan beliaunya. Malem ini raporku nginep di TU sekolah. Moga aja besok sebelum pulang sekolah udah dapet. Amin.
Ehem.. ehem... cacar airku udah hampir-banget sembuuuuuh!!!! Hurayy!!! *tabur-tabur menyan*. Kondisi psikis, mental, psikomotor, emosional *halah* ku sekarang udah 80% hampir mencapai angka standar kondisi tubuh ideal harapan. Gimana enggak, setelah libur semester, baru masuk sehari langsung cacar air, nggak masuk seminggu. Sehari masuk langsung datang bulan, aku ngerasa kotor banget, luar dalam ku kerasa berantakan liar nggak keurus. 
Sekarang aku dalam tahap kembali seperti semula. Mandi sekarang udah pake sabun cuci muka PONDS, nggak sabun antiseptik yang bau aneh, bisa kosokan, gosok gigi lebih lama, sampo-an, dan segala macemnya yang terlalu vulgar kalau aku tulis di sini. Hohoho. Dan sekarang aku kalau bangun tidur kulit udah nggak minyakan bekas salep. BAHAGIANYA.

Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

School XXX File : The Adventure of UAN Fighter and PTN Seeker part 1

Aku mikir, ternyata blog itu bener-bener macem-macem banget-banget kegunaannya. Seperti kata orang, dengan blog kita bisa menulis apapun yang ada di pikiran kita. Cuman satu ntu, tapi dibalik itu semua tuh banyak banget cabangnya. Jadi "apapun" bisa berarti benar-benar apapun, apapun yang ada, eksis, baik tampak ataupun nggak tampak di jagad bumi ini. 
Punya blog serasa aku punya perusahaan pribadi. Dan aku bosnya, semacam kayak bos muda gitu lah. Di perusahaan ini, aku bisa buat produk apapun sesuai ide dari kemelut otakku, trus aku produksi sendiri dan pasarin sendiri. Perusahaanku juga aku desain sendiri gedung dan fasilitasnya. Keren khan??? 

Untuk itu, suatu waktu aku mikir.... aku yang lagi duduk di kelas 3 SMA nih, tingkatan paling sakral, kenapa nggak aku tulis aja secara khusus kisah ceritaku gimana aja menjelang ujian nasional?? Sekarang masih bulan Januari, dan masih beberapa bulan menuju UN, pasti banyak lah cerita 'maksud' dan 'nggak maksud' yang seliweran menghiasi my days *halah. Semacam buku diary, aku suka mengabadikan cetiap bagian hidupku. Karena nggak mungkin difoto, jadi ya ditulis aja.. di "School XXX File" yang akan aku buat ber-part-part, sampai nanti entah berapa part. Mungkin bisa ngalahin episodenya Cinta Fitri, ceritaku bakal aku terusin sampai hari terakhir UN!! Yosshh!! 

Selasa, 01 Januari 2013

I Got A Boy - SNSD

Ayo! GG! Yeah Yeah, shall we start?
Uh-muh! Look at her, look. What happened to her that she cut her hair? huh?
Uh-muh! Again look at her, look! From head to toe, her style has changed
Why did she do that? I’m curious to death, why did she do that? Tell me

Ha ha! Let me introduce myself! Here comes trouble! Follow after me!
Oh oh oh yeah oh, oh oh yeah oh, you really are something else!

Who is she? Ridiculous
Do you know you’re too self-assertive? She thinks I’m average
Yeah, I guess she really liked him!
No way! No way!
She became so pretty and sexy, it’s because of him, right?
I almost asked her what her new makeup was

Truthfully, I’ve seen it for the first time
The deep eyes, like a scarred beast
I was dizzy by just talking to him!
You really are something else! You really are something else!

Oh oh oh yeah oh, oh oh yeah oh, You really are something else!
Oh oh oh yeah oh, oh oh yeah oh, You really are something else!

Ayo! Stop! Let me put it down another way.

I got a boy, a handsome one! I got a boy, a kind one! I got a boy handsome boy, who took all my heart
I got a boy, a handsome one! I got a boy, a kind one! I got a boy awesome boy, I must have really fallen for him

Ah, my prince! When are you gonna come save me?
Will you lift me in your arms and fly, like a white dream?

I’m like, surprised, mental collapse! He wants to see my face without makeup. I really like him, would it be okay to show it to him?
Oh! Never! Right? Right?
Let’s keep what needs to be kept, right! right!
Don’t ever forget this until you take all of his heart!

Oh oh oh yeah oh, oh oh yeah oh, even if I stay up all night, it’s not enough, everything everything
Oh oh oh yeah oh, oh oh yeah oh, our biggest interest, everything everything

Listen to me, you all know him, right? He’s a bit young but he’s full inside
Sometimes he is as reliable as an oppa but when he acts charming, he is so cute

Oh oh oh yeah oh, oh oh yeah oh, you’re crazy, crazy
Oh oh oh yeah oh, oh oh yeah oh, you’re crazy, crazy
I’m really angry, my boy doesn’t look at me as a girl
What should I do when I feel hopeless? Should I make him feel jealous? I’m so upset! What do I do?
No way! No way!

Don’t stop! Let’s bring it back to 140

I got a boy, a handsome one! I got a boy, a kind one! I got a boy handsome boy, who took all my heart
I got a boy, a handsome one! I got a boy, a kind one! I got a boy awesome boy, I must have really fallen for him

Always next to me, it’s you, who’s on my side and listens to me, you- you-
I’m happy as it is right now, cause everything will work

I got a boy, a handsome one! I got a boy, a kind one! I got a boy handsome boy, who took all my heart
I got a boy, a handsome one! I got a boy, a kind one! I got a boy awesome boy, I must have really fallen for him

I got a boy, a handsome one!

I Won't Do Bad Things - B1A4

I only come back to my senses after getting slapped on the cheek
I learn the hurting feelings of an immature love
My girl’s backside that I can’t hold back
She’s leaving… My girl’s leaving

She’s turning back and leaving me like this
She just leaves, looking for a new love
Please don’t go
Don’t leave, don’t leave

I won’t do bad things (I won’t do other things)
I won’t cheat (I will never do it)
I’m looking at you
Please love me

Shall we go on a date (Please smile once)
If you’re angry, please don’t be
This song this song that you’re listening to right now
Please remember it

I won’t do bad things
I won’t do other things
I realized too late
I’ll only hug you
All the seasons feel like winter
It’s a night without a moon
My life without you
It all feels like hell

I stagger again today in my memories (I wait for you again)
I fall down beneath this night (I want for you again)

She’s turning back and leaving me like this
She just leaves, looking for a new love
Please don’t go
Don’t leave, don’t leave

As time gets longer
My anxiety only grows
Don’t act like this
Could you please pick up your phone
There are still so many things I haven’t said to you
I’m hurting a lot

I won’t do bad things (I won’t do other things)
I won’t cheat (I will never do it)
I’m looking at you
Please love me

Shall we go on a date (Please smile once)
If you’re angry, please don’t be
This song this song that you’re listening to right now
Please remember it