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Jumat, 09 Juni 2017

Cara Mengirim Paket Barang ke Luar Negeri dengan EMS dan RLN

Sekali-kali boleh lah ya Aku posting 'how to' ^^"

Jadi, Aku awalnya sempat bingung gimana cara ngirim paket ke luar negeri karena emang belum pernah sekalipun. Nah kemarin akhirnya berhasil ngirim beberapa barang dagangan ke beberapa negera luar negeri. YEYY!. Yang bakal aku bahas di sini adalah cara ngirim paket barang via EMS dan RLN ya. 

Oiya, apa beda EMS dan RLN? Jadi dua-duanya ini adalah produk layanan Pos Indonesia. Kalau EMS lebih cepet, kalau RLN lebih lama. Dua-duanya sama-sama bisa di tracking di web Pos Indonesia. Jadi kalau diibaratkan, seperti JNE yang punya dua layanan, yaitu YES dan REG (kalau YES lebih cepet, kalau REG agak lama). Begitu. 

  1. Pastikan barang sudah di packing rapi ya. Pengalaman waktu datang ke kantor pos, barang cuma diperiksa sekilas dan kantor pos nggak ngerapihin lagi packing-an barangnya. 
  2. Datang ke kantor pos terdekat. Ok, kantor pos yang bisa mengirim EMS dan RLN itu... semua kantor pos ya. Jadi ke kantor pos terdekat saja, ngga perlu ke kantor pos besar.
  3. Serahkan ke petugas pos nya. Petugas pos bakal meriksa sebentar dan nimbang, sambil nanya isi barang dan harga barangnya.
  4. Mengisi form. Kita bisa milih antara EMS atau RLN. Kalau saranku sih, kalau negaranya dekat, misalnya SG, atau MY, pakai RLN saja, kalau jauh bisa pakai EMS. Karena harganya juga jauh beda ^^"
  5. Selesai. Note: resi jangan dihilangkan. Kita bisa ngecek barang kita sudah sampai mana lewat no tracking nya di web pos Indonesia. 
Oiya, kadang kalau kita mau kirim barang, tapi mau estimasi harga pengirimannya sebelum ke kantor pos, bisa cek di tarif di web pos Indonesia juga DI SINI Tapi fyi, harga di sini ngga sama persis sama harga yang nanti dihitung waktu di kantor pos ya, tapi harga di sini bisa buat estimasi. 

Untuk tracking pos kita DI SINI Fyi lagi, pengalaman kemarin, nomor baru bisa di track sehari setelah pengiriman. Dan kadang web telat update nya. Ada kiriman yang sudah sampai, tapi di web masih belum sampai. Dan juga kalau ada masalah di tracking-nya.. jangan panik, tapi langsung aja telpon ke call center nya :)

Alright Who Don't Like Kpop/drama, eh?

There's always people who mock korean pop or korean drama around us, right? At first, i thought that they don't like it because they really don't like it. I mean that, they already watched some episodes of drama or some videos of kpop but yeah.. that didn't suit their style. But, i think i'm wrong. 

They didn't even try to watch it, right??

There's a thing in this world that we hate without any reason. For example, i never eat even try to eat eggplant, i don't know the taste but i just don't like, without any reason. That's the same with people who said that they don't like kpop or kdrama i guess. 

I mean, who can resist their amazing dances, their visuals, their cool performances, their sweet story line on drama, who can??

I can't ^^"

The reason why this topic suddenly popped up on my mind isn't that because i argued with some anti-kpop/drama before, but... because of some of my friends are suddenly into kpop ^^"

They do like korean drama already, but really into kpop right now. I still remembered that they said they didn't like boygroups because they thought some boys dancing and singing together is lil bit nasty. But, they do like boygroup right now. They are into SHINee right now! 

Well i stanned SHINee so much back then, hmm... i still like them tho but not that much. But my friends just... i can't... how to say this, lol, they play Sherlock every morning and scream 'SHINee's back SHINee's back'. They watched some SHINee's reality shows and then asked me 'Do you know that Minho went to London to see Manchester United and Taemin did scubadiving?' Oh boiiiii, i watched that like five years ago >.<

And also there's a friend that is into korean drama recently, and you know what.. he often uses korean language that he imitates from k drama. He suddenly said 'nuguseyo nuguseyo' in the class and it's so funny ^^

That isn't wrong, i just feel it's funny ^^"

Okay, I always be a lowkey kpopers, i never argued or even gave a damn to anti kpop or kdrama, it's their business not to like kpop or kdrama, not mine, lol, and now knowing almost all my friend like kpop or kdrama is a relief. Haha. 

Whatever is that, i think we should at least try or feel or taste it first before making any judgement, right?