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Minggu, 24 September 2017

Kuliner Wajib Kota Wonogiri

Hai, alasan simpel kenapa tiba-tiba posting ini, yaitu karena aku lagi di pulang kampung, dan tiap pulang kampung yang pingin banget dilakuin adalah makan makanan yang cuma bisa dimakan di sini, engga ada di tanah rantau :')
Aku bukan mau ngasih list makanan hits, tapi ini adalah makanan-makanan yang hmm... malah otentik *? banget dan legenda dan enak tentunya.

1. Bakso 
Bakso, ya itu emang yang terkenal banget dari Kota Wonogiri. Kalau inget Kota Wonogiri, pasti inget baksonya. Lihat aja di jalan-jalan, ntah dimanapun itu, biasanya tulisannya Bakso Wonogiri, atau Bakso Gajah Mungkur Wonogiri. Bakso di sini banyak banget sih yang jual. Tapi ada rekomendasi tempat bakso yang enak dan paling terkenal, yaitu Bakso Titoti. Letaknya ngga jauh dari pasar Wonogiri. Rasanya enak, harga nya lumayan sedikit mahal karena memang Bakso Titoti ini bukan warung tapi udah kaya resto tempatnya, so maybe that's why. Selain ada bakso, di Bakso Titoti juga ada siomay dan juga sop kikil. Oiya, ngga cuma satu cabang aja, Bakso Titoti ada beberapa cabang ya di Wonogiri, yang salah satunya ada di Ngadirojo. Ada juga tempat makan bakso lain yang konsepnya udah kaya resto, yaitu Bakso Mutiara. Letaknya di dekat perbatasan Wonogiri - Sukoharjo. Jadi kalau kamu pertama kali masuk ke Kota Wonogiri, pasti ngelewatin bakso ini. Bakso Mutiara rasanya enak juga, bedanya di sini selain menonjolkan baksonya, juga ada menu spesial yang dibawakan yaitu es mutiara nya. Okay, so selain kedua bakso tadi, banyak juga bakso lain yang sekelas warung tapi nggak kalah enak. Saah satunya bisa kamu coba yaitu Bakso Gajah Mungkur dan Bakso Rudal. Letak kedua bakso ini hampir deketan, masih di dekat Pasar Wonogiri juga

2. Pindang
So, pindang di sini beda sama pengertian dari 'pindang' di daerah lain. Pindang di sini terbuat dari tepung, dicampur potongan balungan. Okay, aku udah kehabisan kata buat ngejelasinnya padahal aku baru nulis satu kalimat, hahaha. Susah dijelasin bentuknya, tapi yang jelas ini enak banget dimakan pakai nasi hangat. Untuk orang-orang asli Kota Wonogiri dan sedang merantau di luar, kalau pulang kampung pasti carinya pindang, suerr. Lokasi jualnya... hmm.. setahuku cuma satu yang jual pindang ini, itu pun yang jual udah tua dan jualnya di rumah dia sendiri. Lokasinya di Bulusulur. Tiap weekend pagi-pagi banget pasti udah banyak yang antri di rumahnya. Tiap ke sana aja pasti antri 8 orang lebih :( Pindang memang cocok buat sarapan, di tempat jualnya aja jam 8 an pagi biasanya udah habis.

3. Soto Kwali Daging Sapi
Ada satu tempat makan soto kwali daging sapi, letaknya di Wonoboyo, dekat POM Bensin Wonoboyo. Soto kwali ini enak banget buat sarapan. Sotonya dimasak di kwali, itu yang bikin beda dari soto-soto lain. Khas banget lah rasanya. Harganya murmer sih. Setahuku juga cuma satu tempat ini aja yang jual soto kwali daging sapi.

4. Nila Bakar
Iyes, banyak banget nila bakar dijual di sepanjang Waduk Gajah Mungkur. Jadi kalau kamu wisata ke waduknya, harus banget makan nila bakar disana. Oiya, nila bakar yang enak letaknya di luar obyek wisata waduk ya, jadi saranku, mending keluar obyek wisata aja kalau mau beli nila bakarnya. Ada beberapa tempat nila bakar langgananku, yang emang udah teruji banget lah. Pertama Nila Bakar Pak Glinding. Dari ketiga tempat nila bakar rekomendasiku, Nila Bakar Pak Glinding yang paling jarang aku datangi. Sebenarnya kurang begitu suka dengan bumbunya, tapi.. kalau kamu nanya yang paling terkenal dan rame.. Nila Bakar Pak Glinding. Yang kedua, Nila Bakar Moro Seneng. Nila bakar disini menurutku enak, tempatnya juga enak, ngga kalah sama Nila Bakar Pak Glinding. Yang Ketiga Nila Bakar Sari Raras. Kelebihan Sari Raras ini, ada beberapa variasi nila bakar yang nggak ada di tempat lain, seperti sup kepala nila, nila asam manis, dll. Lokasi ketiganya masih di sepanjang jalan utama di obyek wisata Gajah Mungkur kok. Nila bakar di sini bukan nila bakar biasa ya. Tapi aku juga nggak ngerti apa yang bikin luar biasa, haha. Yang jelas, beberapa temen dari luar kota Wonogiri yang aku ajak makan di sini, sampai sekarang masih sering minta buat diajak beli nila bakar lagi.

5. Ayam Goreng
Di Kota Wonogiri, ada beberapa rumah makan spesial ayam goreng yang udah melegenda banget. Ayamnya empuk, bumbunya kerasa banget, ada kriuknya. Dan beberapa kali makan ayam goreng di tempat lain, di luar Wonogiri, masih ngga ada yang bisa nandingin ayam goreng di sini. Ada 2 lokasi ayam goreng yang melegenda ini. Yang pertama Ayam Goreng Paryanti, yang kedua Ayam Goreng Batas Kota. Ayam Goreng Paryanti letaknya di Wonokarto, sedangkan Ayam Goreng Batas Kota letaknya di batas kota *? haha. 

6. Mie Godog (Rebus)
Mie godog atau mie rebus jawa, emang beda dari mie-mie lain. Yang paling bikin beda yang pasti bumbunya. Kuahnya itu enak banget beda sama mie-mie lain. Nah di Wonogiri sendiri mie godog yang paling enak, menurutku sebagai penduduk asli, haha, yaitu Mie Godog Si Pur dan Nasi Goreng Jumanto. So, mie godog ini biasa mulai dijual sehabis maghrib ya. Mie Godog Si Pur lokasinya di dekat Alun-Alun Wonogiri, sedangkan Nasi Goreng Jumanto (walaupun namanya Nasi Goreng Jumanto, tapi Mie godog yang dijual di tempat itu andalan juga) letaknya lumayan jauh dari pusat kota, yaitu di Krisak. Aku jarang banget makan di Nasi Goreng Jumanto karena lokasinya yang cukup jauh, tiap kesana harus lewat sawah-sawah haha dan otomatis harus malem-malem :( 

7. Pecel
Nasi pecel yang paling rame yang aku tahu adalah Nasi Pecel Bu Nardi. Lokasinya deket GOR Wonogiri. Pecel ini rame banget buat sarapan, iya sih cuma buka buat sarapan ^^"

8. Mie Ayam 
Salah satu makanan wajib banget aku makan tiap pulang kampung, Mie Ayam SD 6. Jadi lokasinya di depan SD 6 Wonogiri. Mienya khas banget, beda dari yang lain. Kuahnya juga enak. Apalagi ya, enak lah yang jelas. Selain mie ayam, andalan di sini adalah es asem.  

9. Sate Kambing
Nah ini, sate kambing. Ada beberapa tempat makan sate kambing yang paling legenda di Wonogiri. Yaitu Sate Kambing Saimo, Sate Kambing Pak Jaman, dan Sate Kambing Pak Gino. dari segi rasa semuanya enak. Kalau segi kenyamanan makan, paling nyaman Sate Kambing Saimo dan Pak Gino karena tempat duduknya banyak. Oiya, hanya Sate Kambing Saimo dan Pak Jaman yang jual sate buntel. Selain sate kambing, ketiga nya juga jaul tengkleng dan tongseng. Kalau dari segi paling terkenal, kayanya Sate Kambing Pak Gino yang paing terkenal. But, ketiga selalu rameee banget kalau lagi pas jam makan siang. 

Selasa, 12 September 2017

Might be My Most-Dense-Schedule I Have Ever Had (pt. 2)

Yeah, since i knew i couldn't do anything, i forced my self to close my eyes and sleep. Of course i couldn't sleep but i couldn't do anything tho. So it was better for me not to think about it too much.

Okay, I closed my eyes but i couldn't sleep, as i expected. Then... i watched my watch again, it was like more than 9 am. Still, no one replied my text. I had an urge to know whether i got punishment or not, because i had to tell Da if i could go to Bandung or not. God, help please i didn't want to dissapointed my friend. 

Still traffic jam...

Still on my bus...

And, suddenly, 1 text notification from my bestie. 

She told me about the ceremony and the class checking. And... she said that...
... the class checking was only for last year class. God!

I'm third year class. It was so nearly.

I said to Da to prepare her thing and wait for me. A little bit oxigen, thanks God.

It's already at 10. 

But yeah okay, i couldn't take it anymore. I still had to arrive at the right time before continuing my trip. 

I thought that it would take long time if i got off from the bus on the lastest station where i should got off. So i decided to get off on the closest station, and take 'gojek' instead. It would be faster, i thought. So, yeah, after like 15 minutes, we arrived at the closest station. There were not many people who got off. But, yeah, i got off there. Walked to the closest stall, and called 'gojek'. And not many long, my 'gojek' arrived picking me up. And fortunately, the driver knew the route well and could bring me to my boarding house before 11. 

Finally, touchdown.

I put my bag and charged my phone. I put out everything inside my bag and just put it on the corner of my room. I took some t-shirt and jeans from my wardrobe and put in inside my bag. I took my towel, wanting to take a bath. It was only like less than 30 minutes and i already on my 'gojek' again, on my way to train station. Ah yeah, i took a lil time to greet Dee. I missed her so much. I really wanted to tell her about the traffic accident and how worried i was, but i didn't have much time :(

On the next second, i found myself already sit on the seat, on the way to Bandung. Lemme take a lil bit peace sleep.

Minggu, 10 September 2017

Might be My Most-Dense-Schedule I Have Ever Had

I shouldn't write it here, for real. But i really want to, just because. 

So, i hope you who read this isn't my lecturer or any collage admins. 

Well, it happened like a week ago. So i was like in my free schedule because the final exam had been over and what i had to do was only waiting for my report and attending flag ceremony every Monday. Only every Monday, so, yeah, i had free time from Tuesday 'till Sunday. So there were like some schedules that i already planned. I had to attend flad ceremony on Monday morning, on 4th, and went to Bandung on the same day after having my flag ceremony. And back to Jakarta on 6th, because i had to attend to my friend's graduation on 7th. And as we know, there would be Idul Adha on September 1st.

So, Idul Adha on Fri/1st, campus on Mon/4th, Bandung also on Mon/4th, and my friend's graduation/7th. I planned to have Idul Adha on my house with my family so on Tues/Aug 29th i went to my house in Solo by bus. And i also booked a bus ticket for Sun/3th to Jakarta. I knew i would have flag ceremony on the Mon but yeah i challenged thought that it would be okay as long as there was no traffic jam. And as a positive minded person, i just made sure myself that, yeah, there wouldn't be traffic jam. 

So it was Sunday, the day i had to back to Jakarta. If everything was fine, i should arrive in Jakarta on the next day, which is Mon, at about 3 am or 4 am. Yeah i knew it was the day when i had my flag ceremony, but that was okay since i thought that 3 hours for preparing my uniform was enough tho. Aaa~ yeah, i already told one of my close friend, Lu, about this, and i asked her to sign my attendance list just in case i couldn't make it because... yeah i know i thought that it was impossible that there would be traffic jam but still.. who knows. She agreed about it. 

I didn't have any bad feeling when i was in the bus, on my way. But the disaster came on the mid night when it was already close to Jakarta. Traffic jam! Very very bad traffic jam! The bus even couldn't move. It was mid night so i just back to my sleep while prayed that everythings went well when i woke up. But, yeah you know when i said 'but' there must be something wrong... that was already 5 am and we were still trapped in the traffic jam. I checked my google maps, and it said that it needed like 3 hours to arrive on the bus station. Crap. I couldn't attend the ceremony. So i texted my friend, Lu, and my bestie, De, and told her about it. It was like 7 am, the time when the ceremony should be started. My friend already replied me an 'ok', so i was a lil bit relax. But then at about 7.30 am my class president called me. Bad sign, i knew. I answered his call, he said that the lecturer was going to check every classes one by one. RIP. 

Fyi, ditching from any ceremony in my campus is a big no no because you will get severe punishment. You may have to run around the field like 10 times, or have to attend ceremony everyday every morning, or you may have get penalty points and even they will sent warning letter to my office. I didn't want any of it, so yeah... it was enough to make me sweat in the morning. And remember about my planning to Bandung on the next day, i must not get any punishment because it would probably cancel my plan. I went to Bandung with one of my friend, Da, and i didn't want to dissapoint her. I might okay with the punishment, but yeah, i really really didn't want to dissapoint Da. 

So then i asked my class president to find another person from another class to disguise as me. At that time i felt like i'd just made a very very bad sin. I meant, as a good girl without any bad record in campus and always have a good rank... it was very hard for me to do that, but yeah i did that. Well then unfortunately, my class president didn't really like my idea and he told me that he would consider it first. God, please help. Then the call ended.

I could tell that my heart beat sooo fast at that time. I even forgot about my hungry, since i should be hungry because it was like on bf time. Then searched some number from my contact number, thinking about my friend from another class who could help me and diguised as me. At that time i realized that i didn't have much friend outside my class. Ajkqwqjsk. But yeah i found two, but unfortunatelly they couldn't do it because they didn't attend the ceremony in the campus. They had another task from campus to attend the ceremony on the office. Then i tried to call my close friends, but no answer. I tried to call another friends in my class, but it was same. So, it made me more worried, but yet i could not do nothing. And the the flies, it was already 8.30 am. Da texted me, asked me where i was, because my train to Bandung would depart at 12.30 pm. 

Okay, i'm sorry but i'm going to continue this later on another posting:)

INFJ daybook : Having Sixth Sense

The reality is that INFJs do tend to be more sensitive 

than the majority of the population.

Okay, so yeah i just realized that i'm sensitive tho. It was hard to figure out the 'sensitive' word actually. I always wonder what the right word to say it. I do always have empathy to everyone and everything, i do care so much, i always find myself know about what others need and feel and also think. I feel like i can figure out what my friends want from only looking at their face or act. And i just know now the clear explanation put down in words of who i am... I even thought that i might have sixth sense lol but yeah, i'm just 'sensitive'.

I don't know you can relate it or not ^^" When i said that i can know what others feel or want or think, i'm not kidding. I observe people and surrounding. Yeh i know you think i'm freak. 

It also works when i meet a new friend. I don't really know how but i feel like i can know whether she/he is a good person or not. I do observe people much and it's kinda tiring actually, but i can't stop it because it comes naturaly.

I can guess what my friends feel when they first come out from their rooms in the morning from their face. I can see what my friends probably think when i peek through their room from living room. There are a lots of moments of this thing, that i can't even tell because it's too much.

Too sensitive, it's not a big deal, right? or not? Somehow it makes feel like having sixth sense (okay i already told you before, sorry).  Before i find out this 'sensitive thing', I even told some of my friend that i have a sixth sense. Then i've just knew that it's not sisxth sense ^^" But still it makes me feel special. It's nice to be able to know or realize and also understand others. Like you can always there become the first person who giving your hands when someone needs help. And you don't need to make your friends tell you that they have problem, you can always understand them.

Yes, it's nice. But, hey have i told you that it's tiring?

I like it, but.. yeah i like it, but it's tiring and frustrate sometimes. Always knowing what others feel and think too much is exhausting. Sometimes i tried to ignore, but it's hard tbh. Because it always comes first even before i try to ignore it. And then when it happens, i end up with 'pretending not to care'. And then in the end... from the eyes of others... i become a not-so-care person. I also thought that i might be a not-so-care person but no, that's not it. I'm just too sensitive and know too much and it makes me kinda ignore some of them, yeah because it's too much. But, i'm not really agree with that not-so-care thing as my personality. Because i do care.

Okay, complicated, isn't it? I know. It's all just because too sentive. Lol.

Being sensitive also makes me hard to concentration in such noisy place. I always can't study if i'm not alone in a my room, well i can study everywhere but 'alone' is must. I remember this one, so one day my niece slept over in my house. And when i was studying, she came in to my room and sit on my bed reading magazine, while i sit on my desk. She didn't say anything, she just read in silent, but it successfully made me couldn't digest any word from my book. Geez. I also realized that when i'm doing my collage tasks with my friends in my friend's room, i left them and back to my room when they start to turn on some musics. I'm sorry my besties but i can't concentration. But thanks, my close friends know about it and understand me well. It's not that i don't like music or think that turning on music while studying is a bad idea. I do like it, i think studying while turning music is fun and can give a relax-vibe. I did try it sometimes, it was fun, but yeah... it ended up with me couldn't really absorb what i the book said ^^" But, well, you can say that i still can do my thing in a noisy surroundings but not as fast as when i'm in a such calm surroundings.

I was listening to some music i played from youtube when i was on twitter before i moved to blogger, but then i paused it when i stared to write this.