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Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

What a Mess !

Wadaaaaaaw... 'sesuatu banget'! 3 days left before i get my mid semester test! I'm afraid i can't face it well although i've tried to study hard. Well sometimes my lucky star doesn't work when it has to. O heaven's above help meeeh~~ Promise i'll be good girl.. i give You my word *is kicked*
Pasrah lah eh.. tawakal deng.. gue ama nilai rapor mid nanti. 'Coz what? Nilai yang dibagiin ama orang tua nanti adalah nilai tes mid asli! asli! seratus persen! dua puluh empat karat! tiga ratus enam puluh derajattt!! 
Physics? Math? I can't rely them -___________-
Btw, my job as editor in Virtual, bulletin of extracurricular in my school, will done soon. I just have to take it to the printing shop tomorrow.. and... i can a hundred persen concentrate to my mid test.
Can't wait for tomorrooow, but not ready for Monday TT___TT
Oh yeah.. let me tell you what happened next after i gor my new handphone... What? My number *SIM card* doesn't work with it! They said my SIM Card is too old for new type of handphone, like my new one. It means i besides i changed my handphone.. i had to change my number phone, too. Well, i lose a part *again* of my life. Errrr....