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Minggu, 06 November 2011

Should.. Should..

I confused what tittle should i paste here. So, that's it... today's date. Today.. should one of a happy day for me because it's Idul Adha, but fact.. i'm feeling so 'galau'. I don't really know what's the matter here. I feel not in mood to do everything. Only facing my lappy is what i want. I'm home alone now.. my dad and my lil bro have gone to mosque since this morning to help 'kurban'. And so has my mom. 
Ermm... not because there are no thing to do i think why i feel not in  mood, but because there're so many many many things from school to do. That's what happen to me if i have a lot things to do. I confuse what thing i should do first =__= *mianhe*.
Yah.. udah deh, cuma nge-galau aja... karena gue nggak pinter ngungkapin perasaan sedih gue.. mending gue posting lirik lagu soundrack My Girlfriend is Gumiho yah! semangat!! 

notes today :

Mari kita contoh sikap sabar dan ikhlas para hewan kurban yang sabar dan selalu pasrah.  Semoga amal-amal hewan kurban dapat diterima di perut kita, amin