It has been long time since my last posting, and this morning i just thought that i have to write something here because...
school graduation announcement! 

*my feeling is just mixed*
But actually, i didn't have something planned to say. It's just.. i wanted to share about my feeling, the situation... because it's kinda special momment and the fact, i forget easily. One reason i like to write here is to keep my memories, both sadness and happiness here. I just imagine that someday in the future i can refeel again my old memories by reading my old postings here.
This morning, i went to school. My friends and i had planned to go to school a day before the school graduation announcement (it's on Friday). And when i arrived there.. there had been some of them.. Yos**, Pung**, Ge**, Wah**, Ap**, Fir**, Ki**, Put**. And after that, Es**, Aisy**, and Bri** joined us. It had been (lil bit) long time since our last chat so.. it was so fun chatting with them this morning!
On the last night, there was confused chain-sms from my friends said that the students have to come at 9 am on Friday to have photo session. I just forwarded it to other friends.. but later i got another sms said the sms before was just hoax. Well, but after i confimed it to other friend of mine, she said it was not hoax. Some of us maybe just wanted to make funny on students in my school!
This evening.. i couldn't take a nap. It was so frustating thinking about the announcement tomorrow, whether i pass or not. I hate this happen to me.
However, i have done the best and about the result.. just let God decide. Just wish a good ending.
However, i have done the best and about the result.. just let God decide. Just wish a good ending.