June, maybe it'll always become one of my fave month. Because there's always something new in June, from good things and stuffs as my birthday presents 'till another thing i myselft bought. I just realized that some of my precious-thing-in-my-life was bought in June. I remembered i got my very first smartphone, bought my amazing drawing tab, got my guitar... in June!
And what else now? Beside got a sweetest jacket with sweetest cat face pattern on it, cutest pink-Digitec wristwatch, a couple of faboulous wall-sticker full of faboulous cartoon of cat, the most chic shirt, and a good books... i got the best camera i'd really wanted since the first. Okay, i clarify this first... it's not camera actually, it's a smartphone with good camera.
I always dreamt me having camera and taking many beautiful photos, and sharing my photos from blog... it would be AMAZING!
*That was a shoot of camblestokes from my new Z1