I was just waken up only to be shocked that it was only 10 minutes left for me to be on airport to check in!
I ran to bathroom with 50% awake, i bet my spirit was still on my bed at that time! I got a quick-shower and dressed up. I took my ransel with nothing-inside-it. Just put my wallet in it and started my engine, and here i was on my sit inside the plane already, until i realised that i brought nothing but my wallet! I left my clothes should brought and all my souvenirs i'd bought! Eottokee!!
It was 30 minutes left 'till my plane taking off. With full of my reckless sense, i rushed out and ran into departure building, went out from airport and back to my house to take my things. Put it on my ransel and ran back to airpot only to be shocked again! That my departure was cencelled, because someone shouting my name from outside my house, made me woke up and gave my spirit back to the reality! Gah!