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Kamis, 28 Juli 2016

Listen to My 'Sky Chord'

I can't sing an honest song
Because I end up dressing it up
When did i learn to
protect myself so easily?

From the schoolyard you can see the sky
What colours affect you?
Just pure white clouds but,
In time you will want them to change to black

It's not enough, sky chord
Even though we met here long ago
I've lost the sky chord
Its no one's fault but myself

There must be something more important
than growing up
While i still can't find that
I'm definitely growing up

I wanted to stay awake till morning
When i was an impatient child
Now I'm chasing after time
If only i could do nothing but sleep

They say it can't be like this forever
I know that, so i start walking
The words i secretly wrote in my notebook
Aren't going to change

Just remembered that your birthday is today. 
I'm sure that they will call me odd, if they know i have a friend like you. 
And still having you on my thought untill now makes me realize that i'm probably really odd, just like they said.
Well, did you remember you said you like to listen to 'Sky Chord', Onee-chan?
I'm starting to like it too again...

......Pls let me know if you're still here"

Rabu, 13 Juli 2016

Not-Finished-Essay and Baby-Photographer

It’s four days left before i have to come back to my campus. And i haven’t finished, i mean, i haven’t started to write essay my lecturer asked me to do on my holidays. Okay, i supposed to write essay right now, not write a blog post like this tho.

Last night my english lecturer texted me informing my ielts score, he said i got 6,0. I thought it’s quite good, right?

My days (still) fulled of my very-active-and-full-of-questions youngest brother, asking me everythings,
“what’s this?”
“what’s that?”
“where will you go?”
“where did you go?”
“what did you eat?”
 “what did you say?”
“when will we go?”
........ and I suddenly become a baby-photographer.

Took it around Masjid Sunan Kudus

Selasa, 12 Juli 2016

Random Paint : Fanart

It’s my painting i promised to post on here.

It just selected a random pic from google. I might know who she is, or i didn't. But i'm sure she's k-pop actress/idol. I thought i'd seen her once, dunno.  I will edit my blog title if i've found her name out. 
I draw/paint just because i want to draw it. So, it’s not that my drawings/paintings are the reflection of what i like or what i don’t like or something like that.
I choose the content i want to draw depends on my skill of drawing/painting.  That’s why you often see my drawings/paintings are about japanese/korean actress or japanese manga characters. It’s just because  japanese/korean faces are so... what’s it called, like smooth, have no dimples, and less shadow, like western one have, so that it’s easier to draw/paint. 

Selasa, 05 Juli 2016

Happy Eid Mubarak !

I am going to share a short posting. So, it will be kinda short, of course.

Tomorrow is Eid Fitri! Well, i wondered how would my Eid Fitri without any grandparents. Untill my uncle form Jakarta and his family came to my house this morning and told us that they are going to celebrate Eid Fitri in my house. I think that it will be good since many families gather on Eid Fitri, right?

On breakfast time today, we had another cousin and his family did breakfast on my house. So, there were three families gather on my house today J

It’s almost 9 pm. My younger brother is still on mosque doing takbiran with my father. I always like what these two men on my family do on Ramadhan. My younger brother always becomes ‘remaja masjid kece’ and my father is always busy with ta’mir and his jamaah.
Tomorrow we are going to Shalat in Nguntoronadi because my father has to become imam dan khotib there, but well i still dunno where the exact place is. I guess we have to go earlier tomorrow morning since it usually takes about thirty minutes from my place to Nguntoronadi.
After Shalat,  we might come visit to my grandparents’ house (i heard that my cousins from Sragen just arrived and going to stayed there untill tomorrow). And, come by to my father’s kiai maybe. Then, join my family Halal bi Halal  in Solo.  

Did i say that i would only share a short posting?
Okay, once more topic.
I tried again to paint yesterday, since i found a good ig account that give something like ‘step-by-step’ on painting. I will post it here later and you would never believe that i was the painter :p

Another one-more-topic..
Did i said that last year i didn't celebrate Eid Fitri with my family but in Pangkalpinang instead because of my job training? And did i tell you that it was so sad not having my family around me on Eid Fitri? Well, think back, it was not all bad actually. I received many chats on my office group telegram, about Eid Mubarak greetings of course, and meal invitation like "after Shalat tomorrow come to have meal on my house please" and some seconds later from another person, "then after dhuhur tomorrow come to have meal on my house, too please", and the invitation continued from one and anothers. It made me miss having them on Eid Fitri though.      

Minggu, 03 Juli 2016

(Bisa) Lebaran di Rumah

It’s been an ages since my last post rite? Well, i was  having times when i was too lazy to write anything.  Okay, you will start to guess that i would blame my campus stuffs, but no, that’s not it, it’s just my lazyness, but still, you have to know that i was still struggling with my campus stuffs.

Jadi, sekarang aku sudah di rumah. Aku baru datang hari Kamis kemarin, naik pesawat. Jangan tanya kenapa nggak naik kereta.

Alhamdulillah tahun ini bisa lebaran lagi di rumah. Fyi, tahun kemarin aku harus lebaran di Pangkalpinang karena aku masih harus nyelesaiin PKL. Walaupun, nggak tahu tahun kemarin itu bisa dibilang lebaran atau bukan.  Aku di Pangkalpinang sendirian, tanpa keluarga. Setelah shalat Idul Fitri, aku langsung balik kantor dan berkutat dengan termometer dan display-display tekanan dan kelembapan. Setelah lewat telpon, “Minal aidzin wal faidzin ya, Mah... Pak, ....”, langsung harus telpon ke Air Traffic Control, “Metar 02 UTC 270 04 knot 25/24 RH blah blah blah blah...”. Parade makan gratis otak-otak, tekwan,lontong, dan rendang dari rumah ke rumah adalah penghibur tunggalku.

Boleh cerita perjalanan mudik?

Jadi ini tahun ketiga aku di tanah rantau. Mudik lebaran pertamaku, saat aku di tahun pertama kuliah, aku sukses bikin panta* rata karena mudik naik bis. Tahun kedua, skip, waktu itu aku di Pangkalpinang. Dan ini tahun ketiga, aku mudik naik pesawat. Sangat lumayan daripada naik bisa dan kereta karena lebih cepat jadi nggak bikin panta* rata karena kelamaan duduk, tapi sangat sukses bikin dompet rata karena harganya menyakitkan. Aku nggak pernah niat mudik naik pesawat, hanya karena agen tiket kereta yang aku sewa nggak mempan, jadi terpaksa beli tiket pesawat. Aku masih heran kenapa agen tiket kereta yang udah aku percaya malah mengecewakanku. Terlalu.

Apapun itu, bersyukur sekali tahun ini bisa makan opor bersama keluarga kecil ku di rumah. Meski kenyataannya hari H lebaran nanti lebih sepi karena mbah kakung dan mbah putri ku sudah nggak ada.

Oleh-oleh foto dari atas Solo:)