Well, finally it's saturdaaaaaaaaaayy...!! *scream to the world*
And fortunatelly, the network isn't being baka this time. So i can browsing tonight. I've decided to do not touch any lappy or compy at home in weekday. So, yeaaaaaaah.... *repeat* long live saturdaay !! Hehehehe. This first week, i've got some tasks from my teacher. My first tasks's biology. I think it will become my first daily test, too. Such a guru yang rajin. One of my important job is become an ECSA blog coordinator. Just because i won a third place for blogging competition in my school, aku ditunjuk jadi ketua koordinasi blog in my extracurricular organization. Weleh weleh...
Btw, in class, i'm on first sit... from backward. Hmm... i was almost late on my first day school, so that's why. Talking about school, almost everyday during the class, i felt sooo sleeeepyy *yawn*. The cold AC, rain, and my sit, becomes the main factors.Hehehe... Rain? yeah.. always rain all day here. Brrr..... make me remember with........... my bed. Hahahaha.
Back to last week, my mom berjanji jika dia akan accompany me to buy anime figure tomorrow. It made me to try save money as can as possible. Demo, i just heard from her that she have to go to somewhere with her friend tomorrow. It means....
Oucch... postponed.
Eh, when i'm posting this, di sini sedang hujan. Whereas, i've waited for the rain's over since some hours ago. I'm going to buy "bandung toast" with my little bro. I think it must be very delicious. Nom .. nom.. nom...