I should made this post on 03-01-2011. Well, it's actually because my net was doing stupid around 2 days ago.
That's why...huhuhu. Maybe coz of the heavy rain and the lightning with it, made the connection being error.
That date was my first school-ing after 1st semester holiday. I feft sooo uugghhh... laziee. Hmm.. kinda not a good start. And on that day, all student had to join the ceremony in the morning.
In that time, my mood just came up ! After there was someone that mentioned my class as the third winner of blog contest !! and you know... each class was represented by two students, and it was I and my friend. Heheheheh~
Huraaay~ Good job..
Aku langsung back to my class in third floor... huft..huft.... And not long after that, an envelope was given to me. There was 125.000 rupiahs for the third winner. I took fifty thousand, my friend took fifty thousand, too. And the 25.000 we gave it to our bendahara kelas. Not badd... hehheehe
I just could homie around 11 am. In the parking place, i saw my friend were in trouble to start her motorcycle. Err.. i dunno why the problem. I just approached her, and helped as much as possible. And tadaaa.... still could not!! Hehehehehe.. I really dunno about this thing. She decided to bring her motorcycle to bengkel. ya wisss... aku bantu bantu.