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Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

Sunday Sunday ....

Soreeeee.... kenapa aku bilang "sore"?? ya karena aku nulisnya pas sore dong. Hahaha... Sore di hari minggu yang panas sekali tapi dalam sedetik tiba-tiba mendung. Geraaaah benjet dah. 
05.30 am, i just finished all of my house work, like nyapu, ngepel, and isah-isah. *hey, what's that??*. And woke my handphone from sleep, and log in to and said "mooowwniiing... hmm udara paginya sejuk". Setelah itu, my lit bro asked my dad to go to Plasa WGM. Hmm... mau juga sih. Dad langsung ke rumah nenek dulu buat ngambil mobil, trus njemput kami di rumah dengan aku sudah pake jeans pensil, kaos bekas tidur tadi, my lovely brownie sweety jacket, and black veil. Berangkat! Kami pilih parkir pinggir, biar ayah gampang putar baliknya. Hoho. Log in ke and search Plasa waduk gajah Mungkur. Trus langsung turun, dan jalan-jalan ringan melewati sepanjang jalan di pinggir plasa. Klo orang nggak pernah ke sini, pasti bilangnya bagus banget. Emang sebenarnya bagus sih, cuma karena udah dering ke sini, jadi bagusnya berkurang dikit :P. Pengennya sih mintain adik motoin aku. But what a naughty boy! dia nggak mau... huhuhu. Padahal kan pengen dibuatin avatar buat twitter (@auliakhoir). Yaudah... keep walking! Dan akhirnya sudah balik lagi kami ke tempat semula. Huf huftt.. capek juga. And breakfast time..! huhu... i was looking for nasi liwet, but mom said that there were no seller that sold nasi liwet. But aha! i heard something... "bu.. nasi liwet 2!", from a crowded. Yayy! And langsung... my twitter stat "yay! cari2 akhirnya dapat nasi liwet!".   Untuk makanan penutup, aku pilih sosis seharga 2000 ribu, hehehe. Habis itu.. go home!
I've asked my mom to accompany me to go to market to buy gabus. hehe. I wanna make like a small board from that gabus which i will put on the wall in my room. 
10.00am, i went to market and got my green gabus. Alrite! time to make it! I just covered it with a thiny transparent plastic. And.... put it on my wall (in front of my wood-table). 
Wanna know what's in my mind??? One of them, i wanna put a piece of paper that has been written "100 goals in my life" on it, and i will put some important notes about some difficult subject matter on it. That's my ways to remember some subject matters....