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Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

Keep Holding On - Avril Lavigne

You're not alone
Together we stand
I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand
When it gets cold
And it feels like the end
There's no place to go
You know I won't give in
No I won't give in

Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

So far away
I wish you were here
Before it's too late, this could all disappear
Before the doors close
And it comes to an end
With you by my side I will fight and difference
I'll fight and difference
Yeah, yeah
Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

Hear me when I say, when I say I believe
Nothing's gonna change, nothing's gonna change destiny
Whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

La da da da
La da da da
La da da da da da da da da

Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

Keep holding on
Keep holding on

There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

Special PM

It's only a message that i wanted to send, you know? but i've made that text almost 1/4 day before i sent it *lebay gila*.  I was string up the text, hehehe.. Even, i re-thought 'till a hundred times before sent it. It's soo difficult to only push "send". And finally i sent it after i prayed maghrib. I just guessed that she had reached home after worked. Well, i thought that it was only 500 rupiahs or less for sending a pm. But.. it was 1000.. ehehe. I remembered i sent a pm to my friend in farther place and it was 1000 rupiahs , too. Well, not fair. Continue.. around 7 pm, she replayed my text.. i was "dag dig dug" when waiting her replay 'cause it was my first pm to her.  Hmm... glad that i could talked with her again, although only 4 pms. :D

Sopir Taksi

Ada dua orang pengemudi taksi yang bekerja pada perusahaan yang sama. Tetapi mereka selalu mengalami situasi yang berbeda ketika pulang ke rumah. Yang satu tampak letih dan mengeluh tentang penghasilannya yang kecil, cuaca yang buruk, penumpang yang sepi, dan pemakai jalan yang ugal-ugalan. Sedangkan sopir yang satunya selalu kelihatan riang gembira dan bercerita kepada keluarganya tentang rejeki yang diperoleh, penumpang yang ramah, cuaca yang bersahabat, dan pemandangan yang menarik di jalan.
Apa yang membuat kedua pengemudi taksi itu mengalami nasib yang berbeda? Ternyata sopir taksi yang pertama, setiap pagi, ketika hendak mencari nafkah, ia selalu berkata kepada istrinya, "Papa pergi bekerja." Sebaliknya sopir taksi yang kedua, setiap hari, sebelm berangkat ia mengucapkan kalimat yang berbeda. "Ayah pergi jalan-jalan ke kota," kata sopir taksi itu kepada anak dan istrinya.
Kata "bekerja" dan "jalan-jalan keliling kota" ternyata memilki pengaruh yang berbeda terhadap situasi dan kondisi emosi seseorang. "Bekerja" sering dikonotasikan dengan perintah atasan, jam kerja, target, tanggung jawab, dan juga beban. Sedangkan "jalan-jalan"ditangkap pikiran kita sebagai rekreasi, bermain, refreshing, suasana baru, dan keceriaan.
Hal itulah yang membedakan suasana hati kedua pengemudi taksi tersebut, mulai dari melangkahkan kaki menuju tempat tugashingga kembali pulang ke rumah. Maka jika kita ingin menjadikan suasana kerja kita penuh dengan kegairahan dan suka cita, kita harus pandai-pandai mengelabuhi pikiran kita dengan selalu menggunakan kata-kata yang positif dan terus menerus mencintai dan menghargai apapun yang menjadi tanggung jawab kita...

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life (confusius)

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011


I-Pe-A or I-Pe-eS? always...itu yang jadi pertanyaan buat anak kelas X *kayak temen-temenku*. Tapi, buat aku sendiri, aku sudah nentuin buat bisa masuk kelas IPA, biar rambutku jadi kriting <<-- efek mikir rumus-rumus. Wahahaha.. kan lumayan tuh, ngeritingin rambut gratis.  Hmm... harusnya aku bikin posting ini sebelum aku dinyatakan jadi anak IPA sih, tapi tak apa.. *berarti sukses dong bisa bikin rambut keriting?? *plak!

Kebanyakan orang beranggapan kalau kelas IPA itu lebih baik. Karena apa? kesempatan masuk ke PTN lebih memungkinkan jika kita masuk IPA. Karena PTN akan memberikan lirikan pertama mereka pada kelas IPA. Itu beberapa tahun yang lalu. Aku dengar sekarang untuk hal ini IPS juga berpeluang. Lanjut ke bukti lainnya?? Oke, bukti lainnya adalah standar untuk masuk kelas IPA (di sekolahku khususnya) lebih susyeeeh bokk, daripada kalo kau pengen masuk ke kelas IPS. Jika pengen masuk ke kelas IPA, nilai MIPA kamu harus tuntas di atas KKM (=75), dan pelajaran IPA-nya harus rata-rata minimal 8.  Sebaliknya kalo pengen ke kelas IPS, pelajaran IPS kamu harus tuntas di atas KKM (=75). Dan jika kamu nggak memenuhi kedua-duanya.. kamu otomatis masuk IPS *?!*
Well, sebenarnya mudah untuk menentukan kita harusnya ke IPA atau ke IPS.. Dan itu tergantung cita-cita yang ingin kita raih. Walau kenyataannya, banyak yang sering melenceng. Dulunya IPA tapi jadinya pegawai bank, dll. Mungkin waktu yang merubah takdirnya *halah. And, yang mau ke IPA tapi takut nggak kesampean.. jangan pesimis! Temenku banyak yang gitu tapi akhirnya masuk IPA jua. 
Oh ya, tips juga nih, kalau tes semesteran udah dekat, mungkin kurang 4-1 hari lagi, jangan lupa buat pinjem catatan temen yang menurut kamu pinter. Trus difotocoy tuh... Tapi jangan semua, beberapa aja yang kamu belum punya catatannyaa. 'Coz kalo kamu udah punya, trus kamu masih ngotot fotocopy.. nanti kamu bakal bingung mau belajar pake yang mana, karena kamu pikir banyak banget yang harus dipelajari *kayak aku*, dan akhirnya males..  heheh. Selain itu, jika kurang 2 hari tes, harus rajin-rajin ke koperasi (yang ada tempat fotocopy-nya) tiap istirahat. Bukan buat jajan! Tapi mantengin di fotocoy-an.. kalo-kalo ada soal-soal tahun tes semester tahun lalu yang lagi difotocopy sama anak kelas lain. You know? kadang guru pilih-pilih kelas buat ngasih soal-soal latihan kayak gitu. So, kita harus stand by di fotocopy-an. Kalo ada soal-soal langsung aja minta mbak/mas fotocopy-an buat nggandain lagi. Hahaha...Selain itu, biar saat minggu tes semester kamu bisa fokus, selesaikan semua tugas-tugas kamu terlebih dahulu, apalagi remidial-remidial tuh...
Yaps.. paling tidak kalau nilai kamu MIPA nggak pernah/jarang remidiasi, kamu bisa masuk IPA. Ganbatte~!

Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

IPA ? Finally...

Hi you guys! last Saturday iwas on of the most strain day that i had to face. 'Cause in that day, i would receive my final report in second semester, and it's the last semester in 10th grade. Actually, not me who would receive it, but student's parents who would. And yesterday, my mother did it. 'Cause my dad is still in Jepara, so he couldn't took my report. Nevertheless, i still had to come to the school, 'cause there was a farewell ceremony for our Chinesse teacher, Zhang Zhou laoshi. He just have to back to China 'cause the period to teach in my  school has been over. No many words that he said in the ceremony, but he sang some song for us during the ceremony. Well, i just felt so sad when he said "zai jian" to us. Huhuhuhu~~ Zai jian wo de hao laoshi! And for the closing, we all shook hand with him. 
My friends and i just talked after the ceremony with him. He said he hope that we can go to China somewhen. Well, amin..!!
Our last photo with him! >_<
After that, i just so "deg deg an" to wait my mother took my report. But, after wait some times, Mr. Slamet put a piece of paper that it was the big 50th rank for 10th grade, 11th grade. Waaaaaa~ i ran to it and looked for my name. Well, i just found my name in 35th place parrarel. Hehehe... thanks god! And finally, i just went home before she arrived in my school. And in home i heard from my mother that i just become science student! Alhamdulillah...

Comfort Zone

Ada seorang tokoh superhero yang jika kita cermati memiliki keanehan dalam cara berpakaian, namanya superman. Ia mengenakan pakaian yang tak lazim bagi kita. Ia mengenakan pakaian dalamnya di luar, bukan di dalam, sehingga kita tak perlu menduga duga warna pakaian dalamnya.
Bicara mengenai celana dalam, coba Anda perhatikan, dari sisi mana Anda biasa mengenakannya? Apakah kaki kanan dulu ataukah kaki kiri dulu? Dan mulai sekarang coba Anda balik arahnya. Apa yang Anda rasakan ? Biasanya kita akan merasa tidak nyaman karena sudah bertahun tahun menggunakan arah yang sama dan tiba tiba harus melakukan sesuatu yang berbeda. Menjadi kikuk dan ada perasaan tidak enak, itulah yang disebut keluar dari comfort zone, kekuar dari daerah nyaman Anda.
Banyak orang yang bermimpi ingin mencapai sukses dan keberhasilan , tetapi apa yang dilakukannya masih tetap sama setiap harinya. Hal ini jelas tidak akan membawa perubahan dalam hidupnya, seperti kata Albert Einstein, "Hanya orang gila yang mengharapkan hasil berbeda dengan cara yang sama."
Orang yang berhasil adalah orang yang selalu menciptakan perubahan dan berani keluar dari kebiasaan-kebiasaan lama, karena menurut nasehat orang-orang sukses, keberhasilan Anda hanya berada di luar comfort zone Anda. Jika begitu, tunggu apa lagi? ayo kita keluar dan menemukannya !

(Sulaiman Budiman)

We Defeated Them!! Bravo "surga"! part 2

Well, i just wanted to continue my posting before...
And finally, my "gobag sodor " team could become Runner Up  on thursday!! YAY!!
We just couln't beat our opponent on the final, 'cause they just so frisky for us.
So, the winner is our senior from XI A 6... and me and my team.. on the second..
Congratulation guys! :***
We still the best lah~~
and for the my class "gobag sodor" atlet : Dhika, Dyah Emak, Puput, Tria, Anna, Wiwid, and me... hehe, 
we just could do it!

Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

We Defeated Them!! Bravo "surga"!

Yeah yeah yeah!!
Futsal team of my class, "surga" (Sepuluh RSBI 3), defeated its opposite futsal team from Sepuluh RSBI 8, yesterday. 
We won 1-0!
My class futsal team consists Yulian, Ardhi, Danang, Syaiful, and Rosyad as goalkeeper. And plus Chrisna as the coach, manager, and reserve player. Hehehe...
And tomorrow, we will against XI IPA 1..!
Huhhu... hope we can win it again.. but there should be a miracle tomorrow, amin.
Well well, move to the other... Gobak Sodor!!
We won it again this morning! 
I joined in  team, with Dhika, Dyah, Wiwid, and Tria.
Our opposite this morning was X RSBI 1... heheh
Tomorrow, we will against the other teams.... wish us luck!!


Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Nyaappy Birthdaaay!

I was so happy, guys! A week ago was my b'day!!

But i just can share it in my blog now.. I wanted to make a posting a day after my b'day but the time didn't alow me. It *time* said that i can make a posting after i passed my final exam, finished my biology tasks, and did my interview for school magz. And yesterday, i've done it all... fufufu~~

Okay, it was around 5 am. I just woke up from my dream. I did my house work like usually i do when Sunday, and just turned on my handphone. There were 2 messages from my friend. The first person who said b'day greeting is my class-mate. I never thought that it would be her! 'cause i and Nu******* are not too close. But, thanks...! The second was my child-hood friend. He usually sends b'day greeting to me at mid nite. But, yeah i know 'cause he had found his true love some weeks before my b'day... he just sent me in the morning. Hehehe...He is just like my bestie.

I got my breakfast at home. Although it was just simple food, but i loved it 'cause the best chef in my home cooked it. Thanks mom! In late morning, there was a b'day greeting from my friend vis message. And again, i never thought that he would sent me via message. He, Ba*** is my class-mate, too. 

I just spent my day time with study. You know, my b'day was surrounded by final exam! And in that Sunday, i still had to prepare for the day after. My dad and my mom just went to somewhere in the daylight, and so did my lil brother. He went playing with his friend. It's okay for me... After him, there were my bestie in my junior high... La*****, Es**, Ic**, Su*** Mi*, Pu***, and Sa****. There was a b'day greeting from my aunt, too. Thank you all, although it was just a b'day greeting! I love you so much. 

Oh, and the last... there was a misterious number that sent me a b'day greeting. But, before i asked him, i had guessed. Hehehe... It was my senior, Da**. I wondered how could he knew my phone number. Whereas, i know him from fb and just a lil when i was in school. It really surprised me he would sent me pm. The other surprise, my *step elder sis sent me a direct message vis fb. It has been long time since she ais that se was busying with her job. And that was her first b'day greeting since we knew each other about 2 years long. Thanks!

 Okay, it was almost night around 4.30 pm. My dad asked my to went out to looking for dinner. Well, i chose "Omah Panggung Steak and Resto". Hehehe... we got dinner there. I ordered chicken steak hot plate with cheese. Humm hum... but my dad only ordered a soup 'cause he was having a toothache. Oh btw... my sorrow... my mom just covicted "gout" by the doc the day before my b'day. Huhuhuhu...  And today, i really really worried about my health. I feel hurt in my stomach. I mean right side under stomach. I'm affraid that it's appendicitis.... well, pray for me guys.

Btw, 'bout my b'day party... i didn't celebrate it on my b'day. I waited untill my final exam finished. And on Thursday, i asked my friends who had b'day on June to celebrate it togather in one place. And there we were! At "Kampoeng Steak Resto". There were me, Dh***, Pu***, Pu*****, Tr**, An**, Mi*, Fa****, La*****, Su***, and El***. The day before, i've ordered a big b'day cake for us. My friend said i didn't have to brought a candle 'cause she wanted to bring one. But, on Thursday, she brought "6" candle, not "16" like our ages.. Hahaha... okay lah. Altough.. the steak was still delicious!

Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

A Post In Between Final Semeter Exam Parade

Good Evening all~~
Hiyayy! tonight is saturday night! That's why i can make this posting... For the information.. this week untill next wednesday, i get my final semester exam. Yes, one of the most thing that i'm really affraid of.  In the first day, it was mathematics! I imagined that it would made me insane.. but, it was not. Hehehe.. it was success enough i think. *Amin*. Then, chemical... i think it was success, too. 

But but but... This day, my test was physic! The day before, i've prepared for that one. I studied from afternoon 'till evening at around 10 pm. And woke up at 3 am for studied. And at 7.30 am.. i got my physic LJK... oh no. It successed to make me insane and "oh, God..what's my fault?" I confused to choose which physic formulas, 'cause there were "segepok" formulas flying in my brain at that time. (the effect: i almost forgot this blog account password! There were only "watt" "energy" "sin-cos" "heat capacity" "radiation" "....*&#%#!(*^%^$^.." fortunatelly, i still could sign-in!)    

Oh iya, tambahan... tadi pulang sekolah aku difoto buat dijadiin model pakaian seragam murid baru!! Hahahaha.. nggak nyangka. Malu juga sih. Alamatnya nih pasti fotoku sukses nyebar ke penjahit-penjahit seantero wonogiri raya. Hahahaha. Gimana enggak? orang nanti itu kan bakal diperbanyak pake kertas buram trus dikasih ke murid baru buat contoh ngejahit baju!

Well, it's June 4th !! You know what? Tomorrow is my birthday. But, I never expect anything in my every birthday, including tomorrow. Let's see lah tomorrow...

Malam ini, ada KIMCHI loh!!! Konser Kpop salah satunya ada Super Junior! Sayangnya nggak ditayangin di channel tv. Hiks hiks...Gantinya, aku stay terus di twitter (--> @aulianisaul) , untuk menunggu update'an di Timeline. Hehe.. kan banyak tuh yang nonton atau cuma sekadar update. Lumayan bisa liat foto-foto mereka pas lagi manggung. Coba hari ini aku bisa liat Kimchi... i would be the best  night before mybirthday lah..