It's only a message that i wanted to send, you know? but i've made that text almost 1/4 day before i sent it *lebay gila*. I was string up the text, hehehe.. Even, i re-thought 'till a hundred times before sent it. It's soo difficult to only push "send". And finally i sent it after i prayed maghrib. I just guessed that she had reached home after worked. Well, i thought that it was only 500 rupiahs or less for sending a pm. But.. it was 1000.. ehehe. I remembered i sent a pm to my friend in farther place and it was 1000 rupiahs , too. Well, not fair. Continue.. around 7 pm, she replayed my text.. i was "dag dig dug" when waiting her replay 'cause it was my first pm to her. Hmm... glad that i could talked with her again, although only 4 pms. :D
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