Good Evening all~~
Hiyayy! tonight is saturday night! That's why i can make this posting... For the information.. this week untill next wednesday, i get my final semester exam. Yes, one of the most thing that i'm really affraid of. In the first day, it was mathematics! I imagined that it would made me insane.. but, it was not. Hehehe.. it was success enough i think. *Amin*. Then, chemical... i think it was success, too.
But but but... This day, my test was physic! The day before, i've prepared for that one. I studied from afternoon 'till evening at around 10 pm. And woke up at 3 am for studied. And at 7.30 am.. i got my physic LJK... oh no. It successed to make me insane and "oh, God..what's my fault?" I confused to choose which physic formulas, 'cause there were "segepok" formulas flying in my brain at that time. (the effect: i almost forgot this blog account password! There were only "watt" "energy" "sin-cos" "heat capacity" "radiation" "....*&#%#!(*^%^$^.." fortunatelly, i still could sign-in!)
Oh iya, tambahan... tadi pulang sekolah aku difoto buat dijadiin model pakaian seragam murid baru!! Hahahaha.. nggak nyangka. Malu juga sih. Alamatnya nih pasti fotoku sukses nyebar ke penjahit-penjahit seantero wonogiri raya. Hahahaha. Gimana enggak? orang nanti itu kan bakal diperbanyak pake kertas buram trus dikasih ke murid baru buat contoh ngejahit baju!
Well, it's June 4th !! You know what? Tomorrow is my birthday. But, I never expect anything in my every birthday, including tomorrow. Let's see lah tomorrow...
Malam ini, ada KIMCHI loh!!! Konser Kpop salah satunya ada Super Junior! Sayangnya nggak ditayangin di channel tv. Hiks hiks...Gantinya, aku stay terus di twitter (--> @aulianisaul) , untuk menunggu update'an di Timeline. Hehe.. kan banyak tuh yang nonton atau cuma sekadar update. Lumayan bisa liat foto-foto mereka pas lagi manggung. Coba hari ini aku bisa liat Kimchi... i would be the best night before mybirthday lah..
But but but... This day, my test was physic! The day before, i've prepared for that one. I studied from afternoon 'till evening at around 10 pm. And woke up at 3 am for studied. And at 7.30 am.. i got my physic LJK... oh no. It successed to make me insane and "oh, God..what's my fault?" I confused to choose which physic formulas, 'cause there were "segepok" formulas flying in my brain at that time. (the effect: i almost forgot this blog account password! There were only "watt" "energy" "sin-cos" "heat capacity" "radiation" "....*&#%#!(*^%^$^.." fortunatelly, i still could sign-in!)
Oh iya, tambahan... tadi pulang sekolah aku difoto buat dijadiin model pakaian seragam murid baru!! Hahahaha.. nggak nyangka. Malu juga sih. Alamatnya nih pasti fotoku sukses nyebar ke penjahit-penjahit seantero wonogiri raya. Hahahaha. Gimana enggak? orang nanti itu kan bakal diperbanyak pake kertas buram trus dikasih ke murid baru buat contoh ngejahit baju!
Well, it's June 4th !! You know what? Tomorrow is my birthday. But, I never expect anything in my every birthday, including tomorrow. Let's see lah tomorrow...
Malam ini, ada KIMCHI loh!!! Konser Kpop salah satunya ada Super Junior! Sayangnya nggak ditayangin di channel tv. Hiks hiks...Gantinya, aku stay terus di twitter (--> @aulianisaul) , untuk menunggu update'an di Timeline. Hehe.. kan banyak tuh yang nonton atau cuma sekadar update. Lumayan bisa liat foto-foto mereka pas lagi manggung. Coba hari ini aku bisa liat Kimchi... i would be the best night before mybirthday lah..