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Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Too Much Bad News

Huff~ i wondered why there was many bad news lately. I've never had some conditions like this before. Last Friday, my astronomy teacher told me first bad news. It was the very very bad news that made my heart was torn. Neomu neomu apa. A week before, i was chosen by my other teacher to represent my school in astronomy olympiade with my 2 other friends. I was selected because according to the last test ranking, i got second rank. I was *of course* very happy. That finally one of my dreams would come true. But, my astronomy teacher just said that i had to be replaced by other student to represent my school, only 4 days before the date of the olympiade test. It made me shocked. I almost cried at that time when my teacher was saying it. But, i still could hold my tears. He said that the reason i had to be replaced is although my test score is the second best, but because my attendence during the founding was not very often. Hwaaaaa~~~ mooooom, i'm sorry. That was my last chance to be the representative for my school in astronomy olympiade, haa and i still couldn't reach it.
The student who replaced me is my junior. And that Friday night, he text me... he said sorry to me. I knew her feeling. He was feeling guilty i guessed. That wasn't his want but my teachers', that's why. Beside, i'm his senior. I didn't want him to feel guilty 'till the olympiade day. So, i didn't apologize him but even i encourage him. I said.. " It's okay for me.. you must get good rank then. Good luck". Well, for me now.. gwenchana, i guess. 
And then, the second news that was suprising me was that my drama text for Indonesian Language task was revamped. Grr.. he doesn't know my hard work for making the setting was very tiring! I had just finished it then he said to me that it would be revamped! 
Third, this afternoon, when i was in canteen with my friends, i heard that the canteen *including my fave canteen* will be emptied! What! Then my school will be without any canteen???!!! How could i survive then? I always take my lunch there, headmaster! Or maybe you want to cook my lunch everyday???! How funny!