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Senin, 07 Mei 2012

"Penelitian Luar KIR SMA N 1 WNG 2012" Behind The Scene part 2


Well, he finally gave us signature on it first. HOREEEEY!!. I went home and edited it. Printed the right one, and sticked it on the wrong part, then foto copy-ed it. Hhehe. Mission succeeded. But..but... 

BBPPTOOT's answer??
At about 2 pm on the day before, i called the office there and asked them directly. I was sooo nervous. I was afraid that they would say "Sorry, we can't accept your request". My first call (i called them for some time)..
Me : "Selamat siang, Pak. Ini dari SMA N 1 Wonogiri. Mau bertanya tentang ijin kunjungan dari SMA 1"
Mr. Officer : "Iya , tunggu sebentar. Kapan mbak?"
Me : "Besok, Pak" (I was sure, that he shoocked there, "tomorrow??")
Mr. Officer : "Ehm.. iya mbak, tolong ditunggu ya, sedang kami rapatkan. Bisa tinggalkan nomer telpon mbak?"
Me : "Iya, bla bla bla...." (I told my number)
I hung up me call. A second.. A minute... OMG!! I had just realized that.. Whose phone number i gave to him?? I really really nervous 'till gave him wrong number. It was my old number. So... i called again.
Me : " Selamat siang, Pak. Ini dari SMA N 1 Wonogiri. Mau bertanya tentang ijin kunjungan dari SMA 1"
Another mr. officer : "Selamat siang. Kapan mbak?"
Me : "Tadi saya baru saja telpon, katanya mas yang satunya suruh ninggal nomor telepon. Tapi saya tadi salah kasih nomor"
Another mr. officer : "Mau kunjungan kapan mbak?"
Me : "Besok pak"
Another mr. officer : "Besok?? wah ya nggak bisa mbak. Tolong kalau mengirim permintaan kunjungan dari seminggu sebelumnya mbak"

I told Ard** and Far****. Hah... inhale... exhale... huuuftt~~
I edited the date, because... the only one way was we had to change the date. In this time, i called the BBPPOOT first. Asked the for the day. The executive chief should do this first at the past. huhuhu...

We went to BBPPTOOT on Tuesday, 20th March. Oh ya, di hari pas seharusnya dilaksanakan PL, karena seksi konsumsi sudah pesen makanan and udah jadi, akhirnya kita buat makan-makan di lapbas. 

Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

Got The Runner Up

Well, just this morning i got text from my teacher. It was written that my team (for competitions in youth science club) got second winner. I just felt so happy although didn't know what it was about. Heheh... i forgot that i joint that kind of competitions. I thought that it was external competitions in my school. But, after i asked my teacher, he said it was internal competitions (means only for youth science club member could join). Well, no matter, i still felt happy~~~~ 

Oh btw, on 27-29 May SUPER JUNIOR was in Jakartaaaa~!!! but... but.. but.. i couldn't see the them.. huhuuhu... while Indo Elf ware watching the concert live in Mata Elang Jakarta, i only watch them live from twitter. Waited for status update from Elf who watched there in Mata Elang Live. Hmm... i still could felt the energy , hohhohoh~