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Jumat, 26 Juni 2015

Good View ft. Good Camera, Perfect!

June, maybe it'll always become one of my fave month. Because there's always something new in June, from good things and stuffs as my birthday presents 'till another thing i myselft bought. I just realized that some of my precious-thing-in-my-life was bought in June. I remembered i got my very first smartphone, bought my amazing drawing tab, got my guitar... in June! 

And what else now? Beside got a sweetest jacket with sweetest cat face pattern on it, cutest pink-Digitec wristwatch, a couple of faboulous wall-sticker full of faboulous cartoon of cat, the most chic shirt, and a good books... i got the best camera i'd really wanted since the first. Okay, i clarify this first... it's not camera actually, it's a smartphone with good camera.

I always dreamt me having camera and taking many beautiful photos, and sharing my photos from blog... it would be AMAZING!

*That was a shoot of camblestokes from my new Z1

Jumat, 05 Juni 2015

Google Wish a Happy Birthday to Meh

Maybe some of you wonder how to make Google celebrate your birthday.

Well, i just arrived at my office this afternoon, sit in front of computer right after and signed in to my google account... then i found out this..

I really wonder whose birthday's today... i meant who the lucky famous-person in this world has a same birthday with me is. Hehehe. So I highlighted right on the Google logo and that's my name !

So guys, if you want Google wish a birthday greeting for you... sign in on your account on your birthday! Then, Google will celebrate your birthday!

Kamis, 04 Juni 2015

Love Lane - Mamamoo

This is one of my fave type of song. It's really easy listening. I just found this song from the soundtrack of Drama Korea "Marriage Without Dating". Just try to listen... u'll like it ^.<

The way you talk always mysteriously stays near my ears
My face grows red (and my heart gets excited)

Inside the square bus
I faintly hear a well-known song
At some point (falling into you)

What’s there to think about?
Wanna walk together now? (boy)

You know but pretend you don’t, I fall in love
Wanna take the subway or walking in the rain

Between the clouds, as if it’s slippery and slowly
We are already walking

Walking in that lane
Walking in that lane

My heart feels like a refreshing mint
At the blowing scent that makes me feel good
Without knowing (falling into love)

What’s there to think about?
Wanna walk together now? (boy)

You know but pretend you don’t, I fall in love
Wanna take the subway or walking in the rain

Between the clouds, as if it’s slippery and slowly
We are already walking

I didn’t want anything (love lane)
I’m not even dreaming but why am I so nervous?

You know but pretend you don’t, I fall in love
Wanna take the subway or walking in the rain

Between the clouds, as if it’s slippery and slowly
We are already walking

Walking in that lane
Walking in that lane

Selasa, 02 Juni 2015

Pantai Koala, Bangka... Pantai Berpasir Putih Dihiasi Pohon Kelapa Sepanjang Mata!

Sudah sejak lama aku nggak main ke pantai, sejak acara "prajab" di Bogor. Dan ini yang pertama kali setelah aku balik ke negeri Laskar Pelangi lagi. Pantai Koala, letaknya nggak begitu jauh dari pusat kota. Jadi, saat temanku ngajak nge-pantai saat itu, aku "yes" aja.

Pantai Koala, katanya sih begitu namanya. Jadi kupikir di sana ada banyak koala? Ya enggak lah, anak SD juga ngerti kalau koala itu adanya di Autralia, jadi kupikir di sana ada sesuatu yang mirip koala. Misalnya, ada batu pantai berbentuk koala atau patung besar berbentuk koala atau air pantainya dari air mata koala
Rute dari Pangkalpinang ke Pantai Koala
Dengan peta seadanya yang aku buat, lumayan lah untuk gambaran rute cara untuk sampai ke Pantai Koala dari kota. Jadi dari kota, kami berkonvoi sepeda motor seperti biasanya, ke arah Sungailiat. Kemudian terulang lagi, temenku yang jadi guide tiba-tiba bermanuver belok ke kanan tanpa kode lampu -.- Mulailah kami menyusuri jalan-jalan kecil dan sampai ke jembatan batu rusa. Ini kedua kalinya kami melewatinya. Setelah jembatan itu kami lalui, mulai lah peradaban kendaraan bermotor susah dideteksi, menandakan kami akan segera sampai.

Akhirnya, setelah melalui kira-kira satu kilo jalan berkerikil merah, kami sampai di Pantai Koala.Pantai Koala ini letaknya di bawah jembatan batu rusa baru yang sedang dibangun. Sebelumnya, kami sudah pernah menjelajah kolong jembatan batu rusa baru tersebut, namun di ujung yang satunya lagi. Dari tempat itu kami dapat melihat Pantai Koala terlihat cantik dari seberang. Pantai dengan pasir putih sepanjang mata memandang dan dihiasi kumpulan pohon kelapa yang melambai-lambai.

Pantai Koala tampak dari seberang. Pantai pasir putih dengan indahnya pohon-pohon kelapa.

Salam dari anggota konvai "koala" ^^

[Drawing] Taemin of SHINEE

Like i've promised before, i post my drawing of Taemin SHINEE here. 

I really satisfied with it. I myself even didn't believe that i drew this. Haha. I think it's because the drawing is the easy type one, without much shadowing and contouring and coloring. 

I selected one photo of Taemin and i started to draw.

 This is it... not that bad, isn't it?

Happy Birthday Dear Friend !

I should post this yesterday but i kinda forgot... sorry! Still, happy birthday dear my.. i called her.. first sister in June!

I never forget your birthday since your birthday is close with mine.. hmm, I meant since our friendship is really close!

I made a digital drawing of Taemin SHINee and i posted it on my IG. I should post it here, too right? I'll post it on my next posting.
Well, then this friend of mine wanted me to draw for her, too. So i promised to make one for her for her birthday. And this is it...

Drawing-greeting for her birthday

I'm actually not satisfied with the face. Drawing face is  a big distress. I think i have to learn more. And this time, another friends of mine asked me to draw a drawing-greeting for them.

Senin, 01 Juni 2015

Welcome June! Let's Start w/ Something New Here!

Welcome June!

Does the title sound a lil bit ambiguous?

Well, it has been almost a whole month i hadn't made any posting here. 

I was kinda busy, lazy, hmm... well just say this way... i kinda tired of blogging.

I never felt tired of blogging before. I used to love blogging so much. But something wrong that i don't even know what was that made me didn't wanna even to sign up of my blog account... 'till this day.

Well, I like to look around a lots of travel blogger recently. I even surfed on google looking for a good camera. I tend to browse about how ppl make money by blogging.  Aaaaand, that's all really stuck to my head.

Since i've became a blogger, why i don't try that kinda stuff...

I wanted to have a good travel-blogger with good photos and stories about a lots of beautiful places, and i wanted to have a good blog that gives many kinds of info everyone needs so that many ppl visit my blog and i can earn money by doing blogging. But if i do that... i think that's too much for my blog. I meant that i have to change my blog concept after *checking my post* uwaaaa.. after 5 years! It's too much for me and my blog. 

Sooooo.... i think i couldn't make it. What i've posted here on this whole five years is... you can say it.. 'what i am' 'how i think' and  'what i'm interested of'. If i change my concept of blogging become the one i've mention before... i think it will become not 'what i am' or not 'how i think' or not 'what i'm interested of'. 


Combine it.

Let me try to do it on my own way. Still, i hope my blog become more interesting.. that one day i could yeah maybe publish, one day maybe.