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Minggu, 26 Mei 2013

School XXX File : School Graduation Announcement ! SMAN 1 Wonogiri 2013 Lulus !

Two days ago, on Friday was just another special and memorable day in my life. 
Wanna know what was it??
Wanna know what was it???
Hey.. just say that you wanna! *forces*
Alright i'll tell you that.. that day was school graduation announcement!! *spreads a bucket full of flowers* The only thing in this entire world that had been waited by high school students after traped for 3 years, yeaaa!
Should i tell what happened every seconds on that day? There was shocking news i heard, too.

It was around 5 am. Like usual, my father woke me up. Woke up - washed face - prayed - washed the dishes - back to my room. I just turned on my handphone and there was new sms. It was from Yos**. She asked me what is my STIS test number. "Is it 341750?"
I was just.. blank. "What is this? Does it mean i pass the first test?" I just couldn't believe my thought at all. Of course i won't because i think i won't.. well the first test was just so difficult. 
I guessed Yos** had checked the announcement that was announced on that day (Friday). Then i checked myself, i hadn't replay her sms yet. I did download the announcement from their web. "It doesn't make a sense if i pass the first test" It always stucked in my mind that time. But everybody, i saw my number test there! I even had decided that i won't check the announcement, but thanks Allah!

Next, i went school at 8.50 am. I went school 10 minutes earlier because i had to came by my grandmother's house before. She wanted me to buy her something. There, she was surprised seeing me wear school uniform. She hadn't known that that was school graduation announcement before i told her right away that time.
Stepping my first step in my school, i felt so so excited! There had been a lot of my friends there. Oh missed them so much!

Oh iya, sebelum ke kursi acara, aku ngajak Suk** dan Britan** buat gerilya di ruang kelas XII untuk ngejalanin misi khusus, membawa kembali buku perpusku yang sengaja aku tinggal di laci meja! Sebenarnya rencana awalnya begini, aku punya buku perpus udah setahun sejak awal kelas XII belum aku kembaliin. Emang niat mau aku bawa setahun dan akan aku kembaliin secara illegal <---ditinggal 5="" 6="" 7.="" akhirnya="" aku="" allah="" antara="" atau="" bebas="" beberapa="" bilang="" buku="" bukuku="" dan="" dapat="" di="" hari="" harus="" ijazah="" ipa="" kami="" kelas="" kita="" ku.="" kutaruh="" laci="" lalu="" lupa="" mana="" masih="" meja.="" memertemukan="" p="" pake="" parahnya="" perpus="" ruang="" surat="" tapi="" temenku="" xii="" yang="">

Pukul 10, semua siswa udah pada cari tempat duduk. Aku bertiga ketinggalan rombongan kelas karena masih sibuk cari tuh buku. Akhirnya dapat tempat agak belakang. Baru duduk sebentar, kelas ku dapat giliran foto duluan. Ya udah deh maju ke panggung buat foto sama pak wali kelas, Pak Pupa** sama Pak Kepsek, Pak Mulya**. Setelah itu, aku pindah tempat duduk barengan sama kelasku. Hehehe... ternyata udah dicariin tempat duduk. Sebenarnya acara untuk saat itu cuma foto sih, jadi setelah itu udah boleh pulang buat Shalat Jumat (yang cowok). Temen-temen ku sih pada cari makan siang, dan akunya pulang buat makan di rumah aja. Jam 1, baru kembali ke sekolah.

Dan ternyata... kita dikasih snack! Nggak nyangka.. baik juga sekolahku ini, mungkin karena ini acara terakhir buat kelas 3 kali yah. Pantes. Aku balik ke kursi yang tadi aku sama temen-temen duduk, jeng jeng.... kursi VIP, paling depan!
Lama .. lama.. ngobrol.. ngobrol... lama.. masih lama... sampai kira-kira jam 2 kurang dikit, acara baru dimulai. Mama datang hampir tepat waktu sebelum acara. Dan itu yang membuat Mama dapat kursi disebelah panggung acara, bukan di depan panggung kaya yang mayoritas lainnya. It made her was able to see me clearly. Errr....
Tentang acaranya... seingatku urutannya sambutan kepsek, sembutan kepala dinas Wonogiri, ada sembutan ketua komite juga, nyanyi lagu Indonesia Raya, doa, persembahan dari padus, serah terima murid dari sekolah ke orang tua murid. Waktu itu dilakukan secara simbolik dan diwakili sama temenku Pung** dan Devi**. Dan pengumuman tentang prestasi lomba siswa adalah acara yang paling membanggakan *bagi yang dapat prestasi lomba*. Dan puncaknya, pengumuman kelulusan langsung oleh kepsek, dan pembacaan siswa-siswa dengan nilai-nilai terbaik juga jadi momen sangat-sangat membanggakan *bagi yang nilainya dapat ranking*.

Setelah itu, kami dikumpulin ke kelas buat dapat surat lulus Waaa... finally!!

I went home at around 4 pm. I saw the last band performance first with my friend, because the vocalist.. that my close friend said that he's face is kinda same with Jonghyun SHINee.

For my class, it was not over 'till there. We went downtown to have dinner together, and it was Mr Jumanto's fried rice! The surprising one was that at that night the moon was full! It was the same with previous night when we went there, too! Full moon!

Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

Tomorrow Is The Day! School Graduation Announcement

It has been long time since my last posting, and this morning i just thought that i have to write something here because... 
school graduation announcement! *my feeling is just mixed*

But actually, i didn't have something planned to say. It's just.. i wanted to share about my feeling, the situation... because it's kinda special momment and the fact, i forget easily. One reason i like to write here is to keep my memories, both sadness and happiness here. I just imagine that someday in the future i can refeel again my old memories by reading my old postings here. 

This morning, i went to school. My friends and i had planned to go to school a day before the school graduation announcement (it's on Friday). And when i arrived there.. there had been some of them.. Yos**, Pung**, Ge**, Wah**, Ap**, Fir**, Ki**, Put**. And after that, Es**, Aisy**, and Bri** joined us. It had been (lil bit) long time since our last chat so.. it was so fun chatting with them this morning!

On the last night, there was confused chain-sms from my friends said that the students have to come at 9 am on Friday to have photo session. I just forwarded it to other friends.. but later i got another sms said the sms before was just hoax. Well, but after i confimed it to other friend of mine, she said it was not hoax. Some of us maybe just wanted to make funny on students in my school!

This evening.. i couldn't take a nap. It was so frustating thinking about the announcement tomorrow, whether i pass or not. I hate this happen to me.

However, i have done the best and about the result.. just let God decide. Just wish a good ending.

Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

Hari Spesial, Malam Spesial

It was May 12th 2013.
Seperti yang sudah aku ingat-ingat, (mau nggak mau) tunggu-tunggu, hari itu adalah hari dimana Sir Alex Ferguson, the boss, melakoni laga terakhir mendampingi MU di Old Traffort. Dan hal itu, kabar yang beberapa hari, mungkin seminggu sebelumnya aku dengar.. rasanya heartbreaking banget. 
Let's see..! Di hari spesial ini, sprei ku special edition MU! Kekeke

Sejak aku suka MU pas SD, nggak pernah MU ganti pelatih. Dan itu baru aku sadari banget akhir-akhir ini. Nggak banyak perubahan, itu salah satu yang buat aku suka tim ini. Yang paling heartbreaking sebelum kepensiunan Fergie, yaitu pindahnya CR7 ke Real Madrid. 
Aku ngebayangin kalau aku suka sama Chelsea, atau Manchester City, atau yang lain mungkin... yang suka ganti-ganti pelatih, pasti sering heartbreaking deh. 
Dan apakah akan sampai di sini aja? My flaming charismatic, Wayne Rooney, di gosipin akan pindah juga musim depan! Tapi ini masih sekedar gosip. Dan karena gosip, nggak mungkin dong nggak mrembes kemana-mana. Kabarnya Wayne Rooney akan ke PSG, atau Chelsea. Wait, chelsea?? Eottoke?

Well, thankyou Sir Alex !!

Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

School XXX File : Looking For SKCK!

Tuesday. I tought it would be my another ordinary-lazy day. But! The Poltekkes Yogya (Medical school where i’ve been accepted) announcement made it become super-busy day. FYI, i had to go Yogyakarta on Wednesday to do registration. And of course, Tuesday became the last day that i had,  to complete the registration requirements. And on that crucial day, i still had to make SKCK (it’s something like certificate of good behave as a citizen from police).
How came i didn’t read about the SKCK long day before. Uhh.  

It was 7 am. And i went to Mr. RT’s house to get recomendation-letter first. And went home, had breakfast and took a bath. (I hadn’t taken a bath before! Sorry Mr. RT for the unconvenience-smell i made in your house, kekeke)  
I wore my uniform, i planned to go to school too to copy my raport-book. I just arrived to Kelurahan Office to get another recomendation-letter from Lurah. They asked me whether i brought the covering-letter from Mr. RT, 3x4 cm photos, money, and Kartu Keluarga. I brought it all, all, except Kartu Keluarga! 
I went back to my house, copied it. And gave it to the officer. About thirty minutes, i got my covering-letter from Lurah. The next destination should  be Kecamatan Office. But, i went to school first, to get my raport-book, and copy it. Unfortunately, when i checked 6th semester page, that i wanted to copy, hadn’t been written completly by my teacher. And when i was looking for him, someone  told  me that he wasn’t at school that day! Okay then i had just wasted my time in school. 

Then, i went printing my photo. I had some before but, it only remained two 3x4 cm photos. And i didn’t how much photo was still needed on Kecamatan Office and Police Office. It was about 10 am. I went to Kecamatan Office.  This is the last place i had to go before the main detination, police office.
It only took some minutes there. I’d got another recomendation-letter from Kecamatan Office.

It was my first time to step in Police Head Office in my city. And the important one, i was alone. I never think something new is bad. So i kinda enjoyed it. I had just riden my motorcycle through the gate, and i heard police whistle stopping me from behind! I looked back, and there was a policeman on the security post.
I confused and still freezed on my motorcyle.  He told  me to get off from motorcyle. I really didn’t what to do. So i just parked it near the security post and got off.  He asked me to get in the security post. Gee! I’ve never heard being too beautiful break the law *is kicked*. Did i really break the law,  Mr. Policeman?
Well, would it become worst?
I just entered the security office and saw another policeman there.. eh, i meant  a very good-looking policeman!

I refrained from smiling. He had asked me what was my neseccery.  Why i didn’t give report my neseccery first to the security post.  Well,  If i knew there was a good-looking policeman, i would had done it!
He’d asked where i lived, too. Did he like me?? I’d just said that i was Mr. Prada**’s neighbour (a policeman whose office in Head Office). They looked happy *? (or just my..) when i said that i was his friend’s neighbour.   

Next! I entered the office building accompanied by that good-looking policeman. Okay, about ‘accompanied by good-looking policeman”.. i just imagined it. There were some corridor and i didn’t know which one that lead me to the place i could make SKCK. I’d asked some police officer there where i could make SKCK. And i was  passed here and there.Untill finally, i got my SKCK!!! Huyeeyy!! 

special note: i didn't have any courage to look back inside security post.  

Had a Good Time!

Hari ini, siang tadi, aku bisa tidur siang tiga setengah jam-an lhooo....  *plak *nggak penting blas. Tapi buatku itu penting, lama pendeknya tidur siangku udah aku tetapkan sebagai indikator ketenangan otak. Kekeke.. Jadi kalau tidurku lama, otakku tenang. Kalau cuman bisa merem doang, berarti lagi seteres!

Gimana nggak bisa tidur pules?? Tes sipenmaru yang aku ikutin terakhir (selain tes SBMPTN Juni nanti) adalah hari Rabu kemarin. Dan setelah hari itu, aku rasanya udah plong.  Tinggal ntar belajar sedikit-demi sedikit buat SBMPTN. Aku meyakini dengan sangat bahwa perjuangan belajarku memang belum berakhir. Aku nggak terlalu optimus.. eh optimis buat SMPTN-nya sih. Yaaa.. apapun itu yang penting lakuin aja. Belajar.. ya belajar.

Rabu, 01 Mei 2013

K. Will - Love Blossom

One again... this one is very awesome song! Easy-listening and lyrics is dedicated to you who is in love! Plus, the MV model is L Infinite!! Just listen it, guys!!

The translate :

The sweet morning breeze in my mouth
With the sun shining over the white blanket
Comes a ring that makes my heart flutter, could that be you?
With the sound of a spoon of sugar, hello, hello

Spring comes, into this street
Spring comes, into my heart
Don’t know why I am so excited, oh

Petals like popcorn fly high
If you tell me that you love me, I really melt
When the wind blows like today
I go crazy all day
Because I constantly think of you

The sweet smelling spring wind streams
The feeling of the sunshine on my cheeks is perfect
Watching the white petals dance
Walking with you, uh-huh ah-ha

Is this the street that I saw in my dream?
Everywhere I walk with you is beautiful
Every time I see you, I am surprised
You couldn’t be any more beautiful

Love melts to the warm spring light
Love blows in the rustling wind
When the wind blows like today
When the wind blows like today
the first thing that comes in my mind

Only you, only you, only you
Petals like popcorn fly high
If you tell me that you love me, I really melt
When the wind blows like today
I go crazy all day
 Because I constantly think of you
You’re my spring

got it from :

L !!

Joah - Jay Park

It has been my habit to post every music that i like here. And here is it.. Joah by Jay Park! It's easy-listening and the lyrics.. i like it so much!!

JOAH by Jay Park lyrics translate :

Oh baby, I like you so much that you’re driving me crazy
Just thinking about you makes me feel good
This feeling, only you can make me have this feeling
I want to feel it till I die
Stay next to me, I can take care of you, I can take care of you

I will always look at only you
Without knowing, I just start laughing
Oh baby baby baby baby
I want to shout out loudly

I like you, I like everything about you
From your head to your toes
Even each of your small actions
I like it all, I like everything about you
If I’m with you, I’m happy
The more time passes, the more I like you
I need you
I pray that I can be with you every day
I can live happily with only you

Break it down now
Come on no no

Ay girl, if I’m with you, each day is so special
Stay with me forever and ever baby please
And girl, even if we’re not meant to be
It’s you without question
You know that I got you
You know that I love you
 I’ll always be with you baby

I like you, I like everything about you
From your head to your toes
Even each of your small actions
I like it all, I like everything about you
If I’m with you, I’m happy
The more time passes, the more I like you
I need you
I pray that I can be with you every day
I can live happily with only you

I don’t ever want to be apart
Even when I’m looking at you, I miss you
Always be by my side, my girl
I want you and I need you don’t ever ever leave my side

got it from:

Pikiran Lagi Random pt. 2 !!

(Aku baru aja mau posting blak-blakan di atas, beneran. Tapi apa daya aku emang cukup tertutup sekali buat ngatain masalahku sendiri sama orang lain, even it's blog!)

Pikiran Lagi Random Banget!

Hari ini aku nggak bisa tidur siang. Well, untuk kesekian kalinya. Jelas-jelas secara fisik bagian bawah mataku punya kantung mata dua tingkat! Dan aku jelas-jelas ngerasa ngantuk banget serasa mataku kudu nutup. Aku udah mulai ritual bontik (bobok cantik) ku sejak jam dua siang. Aku sengaja sebelumnya main komputer dulu dan nggak bikin perpanjangan waktu buat tidur pagi ini biar makin ngantuk dan aku makin pules tidur siangnya. Tapi apa yang aku dapat??
Aku tutup mata berkantungku sambil ngasih pelukan hangat ke my sweatheart-guling. Semenit.. lima menit... setengah jam... aku masih sadar aja kebawa lanturan pikiranku ke sana sini. Pas aku nyoba melek, udah jam tiga! What the funny!! Aku sedari tadi merem tapi kenapa nggak bisa tidur. Semakin aku merem, semakin malah nggak ngantuk.

Ok, aku kumat. Dalam persejarahanku kalo aku nggak bisa tidur gini artinya aku nggak tenang karena jantung ku deg-deg-an. Mending mikirin cowo tapi nggak. Mikirin kuliah a.k.a masa depan *sok serius*. Hal paling aku benci, something uncertain. Hal akan datang yang nggak pasti. Ibaratnya masih abu-abu semu-semu item *apasih*. Aku menilai aku orang yang suka mengorganisir. Jadi kalo dihadapin sama kek beginian, aku klepek-klepek. Dan kalo udah gitu, pikiranku bakal random abis! Tambah lagi aku tipe tertutup gini, semakin random pikiranku. Tapi

Dan jeng jeng.. sekarang udah masuk Mei aja. Bulan segala penentuan!! Aul Fighting~~!!!!!